BEWARE of Lead Retrieval System Devices
Beware of third-party lead retrieval companies soliciting devices with the assumption they work at all or most shows. The Califiornia Restaurant Show official registration providers design their systems to work in accordance with conditions that protect the information, ensure data integrity and are NOT aligned with outside providers' systems. Any challenges with the use of these systems should be directed to the sellers of these systems.
BEWARE of the Fair Guide
Restaurant Events, LLC and the California Restaurant Show do NOT support the Fair Guide -- it is NOT affiliated with Restaurant Events, LLC, or California Restaurant Show. Please be aware that you may receive solicitations for the Fair Guide from Construct Data, its publisher, which uses the name of the California Restaurant Show – do not be fooled. Construct Data currently operates out of Slovakia (it has previously operated out of Austria and Germany).
BEWARE of the Expo-Guide
Restaurant Events, LLC and the California Restaurant Show also do NOT support the Expo-Guide -- it is NOT affiliated with Restaurant Events, LLC, or California Restaurant Show. Please be aware that you may receive solicitations for the Expo-Guide from Commercial Online Manuals, its publisher, which uses the name of the California Restaurant Show – again, do not be fooled. The Expo-Guide currently operates out of Mexico.
For further warnings on the Fair Guide and the Expo-Guide, please check out (the website was set up originally to deal with the European City Guides, but it now addresses the Fair Guide and Expo-Guide as well as several other similar matters).
And please remember – the only directories and guides affiliated with Restaurant Events, LLC are those published by Restaurant Events LLC., including the official show directories. If you have any doubts about a directory/guide solicitation using the California Restaurant Show (for example, if the solicitation requires payment made to an address in a foreign country), please contact one of our salespersons ASAP.